In an interview with radio station France-Info on his latest book Je maigris sain, je mange well ("Adelgazo healthy, as well"), Laurent Chevallier, nutritionist of the Hospital of Montpellier and responsible for the feeding of the Environnement Santé network Commission, highlighted the confusion reigning in his specialty: "There are many contradictions about what must take, many conflicting studies and everyone is lost".
In the view of Chevallier, the solution is simple and consists in seeing "How did our ancestors hunter-gatherers". On the other hand, further draconian regimes, withdraw too much food or focus on exclusive consumption of some others, as proteins for example, "problems", in addition to be frustrating and usually end with an increase in weight, explained the specialist.
From the pages of his book, Chevallier argues that, in addition to being more expensive, is not difficult to benefit from the advantages of a food as our ancestors and thus avoid the danger of a diet "too ready products""too fatty, sugary and salty" for the Agency.
However, the nutritionist recommend a first stage of "of-conditioning" of industrial food in use, which may last several weeks.
The daily intake should focus on the consumption of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish and eggs and avoid industrial products such as biscuits, sugary drinks, breakfast cereals or complex processing yogurt made with flavours and industrial sweeteners.
After that may be re-introduced certain elements of industrial development, without forgetting that "too transform food problems", detailed Chevallier. For this reason, "it is far wiser to confine itself to the natural yogurt" that consume complicated and innovative desserts dairy with various substances that "disrupt our sensations".
Another essential point of the diet is the water. On the way to recover the "true" meals, which allow to keep fit and better control your weight, the expert pointed out that the essential drink is water. "Occasionally it can take a glass of wine, but it must be occasional", commented Dr., and are trademarks of fat Inc. Copyright Fat Inc 1999-2008

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